A game that is not known by some and by others praised by it's awesome level of detail and strategic difficulty. Medieval 2 is a game developed by The Creative Assembly and published by Sega in 2006, November 11, 12, 14 and 15.
The Total War series is known for making epic games. Their first very game, Shogun: Total War, based on the Medieval Japan, was praised very highly for introducing a new kind of strategic game and in my opinion, that game deserves a remake.The next game however, Medieval: Total War didn't achieve the expected ratings since it didn't include barely any new material or any graphical enchance, just a new scenerio, Europe. Their next game, Rome: Total War was very popular and again, received very high ratings and it's probably the game that made people fans of Total War. The next game Medieval 2: Total War was a remake of the original Medieval: Total War, it was graphically upgraded and added many things; it added more units, videos for each thing that happened (ex. an assassination), also added Mongol and Timurid invasion, the Black Death, gunpowder and more playable factions. The next game that came up was Empire: Total War that based itself in the Era of Lights in which the gunpowder ruled the world and it added India to the playable factions. The last game published is Napoleon: Total War that I suppose is self explainatory.
Medieval 2: Total War is turned based. You play the game first on a Campaign Map, in which you build your cities or castles, your units, your commercial strategies and more. In there you use florins as your currency and you use them to make pretty much everything. Build your barracks and stables, make your infantry and cavalry units, take them with a General to an enemy land, find an enemy army or castle/city and attack. Once you or the enemy attacks, you need to choose wether to continue to the battle, let the AI decide the winner or withdraw from the battle (Marking the list of losses for life). If you choose to continue to the battle... You advance to the Battle Map.
The Battle Map is what defines the Total War series. You battle your enemy or enemies yourself or with allies. A battle can contain up to 12,000 units or more (Unlike other games like Age of Empires in which you can't have more than 200 units). You must use strategy very carefully and think fast, using your archers to cover your attacking infantry while your cavalry units flank the enemy and the artillery attacks from above. The battle animations are epic and the music even more. You win a battle by either destroying every enemy or making the enemy army rout. Routing is easier once you kill the enemy general or generals. When you attack castles, however, you must first build siege equipment when besieging and once you're done you must either destroy all the units defending the castle or take the town center. When you're defending one, you must rout or kill all the enemy units.
The game features 12 different playable factions and 5 unplayable factions to make a total of 17 factions. The playable factions include:
England, one of the main factions. They start in Britain with a piece of land in the main Europe land. They have strong infantry and specially archers, however, their cavalry units aren't as powerful as others. Their most poweful unit are the Longbowmen which are archers that are more powerful than others and have a longer reach.
France, the second main faction. They start just where France is currently. They have the most powerful cavalry in west Europe and in the late period of the game they have powerful infantry, they however have weak infantry at the start of the game. Their most powerful unit are Gendarmes which are cavalry units with a high shock-hit power.
The Holy Roman Empire, the third main faction. They start in middle Europe and north Italy. They have all strong powerful cavalry, infantry and archer units, but they don't have as powerful units as England and France on the late part of the game. Their powerful unit are the Gothic Knights which are cavalry units that although they have a lower shock attack than Gendarmes, they are better when attacking at close range.
Spain, the last of the main factions. They start in the middle of the Iberic Peninsula. They have very strong naval units, light infantry and cavalry units but at the start of the game their archers and heavy infantry are weak. Their most powerful unit are the Conquistadores which can attack both mounted and dismounted; they are called like that for a reason, and they're only available once Spain has powerful enough ships to discover America.
Venice, an unlockable faction and my favorite faction. They start in north Italy and have an island south of Greece. They boast are very strong militia, strong infantry and late techonology... their cavalry however is somewhat poor. Their most powerful units are the Ventian Heavy Infantry, powerful infantry very effective against armored targets... which by the time the VHI are unlocked, everyone must have.
Sicily, an unlockable faction. They start in south Italy. The Sicilian units vary a lot, ranging from nord units to italian and muslim units, they're all powerful but their late cavalry is weak. Their unique units are the Norman Knights. Probably the most popular of Europe Knights, the Norman Knights are poweful at hand-to-hand combat and are feared by other Italy factions.
Milan, an unlockable faction. The start in northern Italy. They have strong italian militia and good late technology however their cavalry is poor offensively. Their unique unit are the Famiglia Ducale which are shock cavalry units, poor when fighting at close range.
Scotland starts in the northern part of the British Isles and they have very strong spike and sword infantry but they lack a lot in cavalry. Their powerful units are the Highland Nobles. They are infantry units that attack with two-handed swords and are very good shock infantry.
The Byzantine Empire are located between Turkey and Venice. These once proud romans have very powerful cavalry units, infantry and capable archers. Their badside is that in the late period, they barely have any gunpowder units. Their unique units, the Varangian Guards are very powerful infantry units, letting the world known of their roman blood. They are both good as hand-to-hand combatants and shock infantry.
Russia starts in the middle of European Russia, west of Moscow in Novgorod. They have good missile and shock cavalry units but their early infantry and archers are somewhat weak. Their most skillful units are the Cossack Cavalry. Cavalry units that shoot arrows with their bows. They are very effective skirmisher units that stalk the enemy shooting arrows at them and running away as they try to reach them.
The Moors start south of the Iberic Peninsula and in part of it, almost assuring a war with Spain and Portugal. These descendants of Numids have strong light cavalry and infantry units but they lack good late units like most European armies. Being apart from their Muslim allies, the Moors must try different tactics to survive. Their most powerful units are the Cammel Gunners. Soldiers riding on a cammel with a gun. Stalking the enemy, shooting at them as they run. As they ride a cammel, they are good at fighting in the desert and also good at fighting against horse cavalry units.
The Turks start in modern day Turkey, fielding a powerful set of cavalry units and heavy infantry, at the start of the game their units are weak, however... and they don't have as much armour as their egiptian counterparts. Their best troops, the Janissary Heavy Infantry, are units that attack with a long alabard that has an axe and a pike at the end of the spear. They are good as shock infantry and are very good at attacking enemy castles.
Egypt, starting at modern day Egypt... they have very powerful cavalry units but their heavy infantry is lacking and even more in the late period. Their most unique units are the Mamluks. Heavy cavalry than can easily destroy other cavalry units. They are very common in the late Egypt so watch out for them if you're in war against Egypt.
Denmark starts at the north part of middle Europe. It has very good units all-round but they somewhat lack in good heavy cavalry. Their most powerful units are the Norse Axemen. Like many of their Denmark brothers, these units prefer to wield axes instead of typical european spears. They are very good harrassing the enemy with their axes, and easily killing speared and armored units.
Portugal, an unlockable faction that starts at the west side of the Iberian Peninsula and north of it. It is sometimes considered the most weak of the factions. It is a relatively new faction after all. They have excellent light cavalry and infantry units and also naval units, they however like professional units like other factions. Their most powerful unit are the Jinetes, light cavalry units that skirmish the enemy, throwing spears at them while they run off. They are best used along with other heavy units.
Poland, south of Russia and east of the HRE. They have strong cavalry units, both light and heavy but their infantry is mediocre, both of them, light and heavy. Their most powerful units are the Hussars. They are cavalry units with a long spear and a large shield. One of the best cavalry units, it's very good at defending castles and attacking on the field.
Hungary, just north-west of the Byzantine Empire and south of Russia in modern day Hungary. It has a large quantity of powerful heavy knights and skilled horse archers. Their infantry isn't as powerful as others though. Their best unit are the Battlefield Assassins, infantry units that can hide anywhere and that way easily flank the enemy from behind. They have a large strategic capacity and they're quite powerful which makes them be feared by Hungary's enemies.
The game is historically good, featuring attacks from the Mongols, which come from Asia to conquer Europe and later the Timurids that attack even more heavily than the Mongols... this time attacking with gunpowder. The game also features the Black Death. A plague that attacked most of Europe, many thinking that it was a punishment from God. It also shows many other things like the earthquake in Aleppo and many other things that happened during the time the game lasts.
The game featured an expansion pack that added four new campaigns.
The Britannia Campaign which is based on the battles raged in the British Isles and adds permanent castles and unique hero units. You can play as Ireland, Wales, Scotland, England or Norway in this campaign. It's unique units include Deisi Javelinmen, Saethwyr, Noble Pikemen, Armoured Swordsmen and Gotland Footmen respectively.
The Teutonic Campaign, based on the battles that the Teutonic Knights fought against Lithuania to turn the "pagans" to the Catholic religion. You can play as the Teutonic Order, Lithuania, Denmark, Novgorod, Poland and the Holy Roman Empire. Their unique units include: Ritterbrüder, Dievas' Guard, Norse Axemen, Cossack Cavalry, Hussars and Gothic Knights respectively.
The Crusades Campaign. It is obviously based on the eight crusades that the Christians launched against the Muslim lands, adding permanent forts and hero units like the Britannia Campaign. The playable factions are the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Principality of Antioch, Byzantine Empire, Egypt and the Turks. Unique units include the Marshall of the Templars, Marshall of the Hospitallers, Greek Firethrower, Khassaki and Iqta'dar respectively.
The Americas Campaign which is based on the conquest of Spain, England and France on America, and how the natives defended against them. Playable factions are New Spain, the Aztec Empire, Mayans, Apachean Tribes, Chichimec Tribes, Tlaxcalans and Tarascans. The unique units of these factions are: Conquistadores, Jaguar Warriors, Hornet Throwers, Koitsenko, Guachichil Warriors, Priests of Quetzalcoatl and Priests of Quetzalcoatl respectively.
The game is said to be one of the best strategic games ever made. Revolutioning the turn-based strategic games. If you ever plan on getting this awesome game, do get the Gold version which includes the expansion pack. All of the Total War games are good (Medieval 2: Total War now representing Medieval: Total War) so consider giving them a try too.
Rin out.
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awesome post.
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